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    Why you should use kachi haldi instead of haldi powder
    0 Why you should use kachi haldi instead of haldi powder

    Turmeric is a potent spice that is also know as a super food. It is especially beneficial in the winter months when it can help to warm the body and improve circulation. Additionally, turmeric is a great source of antioxidants which can help to protect the body from free radical damage.

    Himalayan Turmeric, also known as kachi haldi, is a potent form of turmeric that grows in the Himalayan mountains. This type of turmeric is prized for its many health benefits, which are believed to be due to its high curcumin content. Locally, this kachi Haldi is known as Pahadi turmeric & it has many healing properties, used by locals for various ailments.

    Kachi Haldi : The Most Potent Form of Turmeric?

    One of the key advantage of Himalayan turmeric is that it is grown in hills without the use of pesticides. This means that the curcumin content in pahadi haldi is higher than in other forms of turmeric, making it a more potent health supplement. Raw turmeric is also grown in the Himalayan mountains, which may give it added advantages due it's purity & organic farming.

    What are the health benefits of Himalayan Turmeric?

    Some of the health benefits of raw turmeric include reducing inflammation, fighting infection, and improving cognitive function. raw turmeric is also thought to have a higher curcumin content than regular turmeric.

    pahadi kachi haldi


    How to use Kachi Haldi

    1. Kachi Haldi Ka doodth - Take 1 teaspoon of Kachi Haldi in one glass of lukewarm milk
      Turmeric milk is a popular drink in many parts of the world, and for good reason. It is packed with antioxidants. Some of the key benefits of turmeric milk include:

    • Boosting immunity

    • Fighting inflammation

    • Helping to improve digestion

    • Detoxifying the body

    • Reducing pain and inflammation

    • Preventing cancer

    • Healing properties

    Kachi Haldi can be used in a variety of ways, including adding it to food, taking it as a supplement, or using it as a topical treatment.

    - Adding Kachi Haldi to food: Kachi Haldi can be added to food to get its health benefits. It can be added to curries, soups, stews, or stir-fries.

    - Taking Kachi Haldi as a supplement: Kachi Haldi can also be taken as a supplement. This can be done by taking capsules or by mixing it with water or juice.

    - Using Kachi Haldi as a topical treatment: Kachi Haldi can also be used as a topical treatment. It can be applied directly to the skin or mixed with other ingredients to create a paste or ointment.

    Recipes using Kachi Haldi

    One way to enjoy the health benefits of raw turmeric is by using it in recipes. Here are a few recipes that include raw turmeric:

    - Turmeric ginger tea: This tea includes both Kachi Haldi and ginger, which are both known for antioxidants.

    - Turmeric chicken curry: This chicken curry includes Kachi Haldi, which gives it a delicious golden color.

    - Turmeric smoothie: This smoothie includes Kachi Haldi, banana, and honey, making it a delicious and healthy snack.

    Kachi Haldi used in different diseases

    Raw turmeric has been shown to be effective in the treatment of a number of diseases.

    - Kachi Haldi for Arthritis:

    Arthritis is a condition that causes pain and inflammation in the joints. Raw turmeric has been shown to be effective in the treatment of arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin demonstrated an anti-psoriasis effect by helping to reduce the inflammation.

    Turmeric's therapeutic potential originates from curcumin's mediation of inflammatory enzyme expression. Curcumin regulates numerous signaling molecules, including pro-inflammatory cytokines, apoptotic proteins, NF–κB, cyclooxygenase-2, 5-LOX, STAT3, C-reactive protein, prostaglandin E2, prostate-specific antigen, adhesion molecules, phosphorylase kinase, transforming growth factor-β, triglyceride, ET-1, creatinine, HO-1, AST, and ALT in human participants. Curcumin also downregulates cyclin D1, cyclin E, and MDM2.

    - Kachi Haldi for Diabetes:

    Diabetes is a condition that causes high blood sugar levels. Kachi Haldi has been shown to be effective in the treatment of diabetes due to its ability to lower blood sugar levels. In studies it is found that curcumin appeared to improve the function of the beta cells that make insulin in the pancreas.

    - Kachi Haldi for Digestive Problems:

    Digestive problems can cause a variety of symptoms, such as constipation, diarrhea, and bloating. Kachi Haldi has been shown to be effective in the treatment of digestive problems due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

    - Kachi Haldi for Skin Problems:

    Skin problems can include conditions like eczema and psoriasis, as well as acne and rosacea. Kachi Haldi has been shown to be effective in the treatment of skin problems due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

    pahadi haldi-Turmeric For Weight Loss

    Turmeric is believed to help with weight loss due to its ability to boost metabolism and reduce inflammation. Additionally, turmeric is a natural appetite suppressant, which can help you eat less and lose weight. Furthermore, curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels. Therefore, Kachi Haldi may help you lose weight by reducing inflammation, boosting metabolism, and suppressing appetite. Additionally, curcumin can also help to regulate blood sugar levels, which may further aid in weight loss. Thus, Kachi Haldi may be a helpful addition to your weight loss journey.

    Turmeric regulates insulin levels by reducing inflammation, thus helping in managing diabetes. Curcumin in Kachi Haldi also helps to improve blood circulation. This, in turn, aids in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to cells, which helps to prevent cell damage. Furthermore, curcumin can also help to lower cholesterol levels and protect against heart disease. Therefore, Kachi Haldi may help to prevent or manage diabetes and heart disease. Try incorporating it into your diet in the form of a spice, tea, or supplement.

    Kachi Haldi is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin, the active compound in Kachi Haldi, is a powerful antioxidant


    Kachi Haldi is a type of turmeric that is thought to have more health benefits than regular turmeric. Some of the health benefits of Kachi Haldi include reducing inflammation, fighting infection, and improving cognitive function. Kachi Haldi can be used in a variety of ways, including adding it to food, taking it as a supplement, or using it as a topical treatment. Visit Pahadi Hub’s online store to buy kachi Haldi of the highest quality.

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